EE 230: Mathematical Methods for Electrical Engineers
Good understanding of linear algebra at the undergraduate level
  • (Primary) Linear algebra and its applications, 4th Ed, by Gilbert Strang
  • (Supplemental) Applied Linear Algebra, 2nd Ed, Peter J. Olver and Chehrzad Shakiban
  • (Supplemental) Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra, Carl D. Meyer
Homework 30%; Midterm 20%; Final 50%

EE 116: Engineering Electromagnetics
Spring (since 2023)
  • PHYS 040C - Physics (Electricity/Magnetism)
  • MATH 010B - Multivariable Calculus II
  • EE 030B - Fundamentals of Electric Circuits II
Registrants must have good understanding of vector analysis (vector calculus) and partial differential equations (PDE). While EE 030B can be taken concurrently, PHYS 040C and MATH 010B must be credited prior to taking EE 116.
Primary (required)
  • Electromagnetics for Engineers, 2nd Ed., Fawwaz T. Ulaby
Companion website:

Supplemental reading materials (strongly recommended)

  • Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, 2nd Ed.*, Magdy Iskander
  • Introduction to Electrodynamics, 5th Ed.*, David J. Griffiths
* Using a previous edition is acceptable.
Homework 40%; Midterm 20%; Final 40%

EE 220A / MSE 237A: Introduction to Quantum Magnetism
Winter (offer bi-yearly with 220B)
Basic knowledge in quantum mechanics, statistical physics, and electromagnetism
  • Magnetism in Condensed Matter, by Stephen Blundell
  • (Suggested) Simple Models of Magnetism, by Ralph Skomski
  • (Suggested) Fundamentals of Magnetism, by Mario Reis
Homework 60%; Final 40%

* Lectures for the IEEE Magnetics Summer School (a "mini course" based on EE220A):


Full Lecture:


EE 220B: Advanced Spintronics and Nanomagnetic Devices
Winter (offer bi-yearly with 220A)
EE 220A, or consent of instructor
Reading Materials
  • Spin current, by Sadamichi Maekawa et al.
  • Fundamentals and Applications of Magnetic Materials, by Kannan M. Krishnan
  • Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, by J. M. D. Coey
  • Modern magnetic materials: principles and applications, by Robert O'Handley
Presentation 40%; Term paper 60%

EE 20B: Linear Algebra for Electrical Engineers
Spring (2020, 2021, 2022)
CS 010A; MATH 009A or MATH 09HA
  • (primary) Elementary Linear Algebra, by Ron Larson
  • (secondary) Introduction to Linear Algebra, by Gilbert Strang
  • (Lab session) Zybook on Matlab
Credit is awarded for one of the following EE 020 or MATH 031.
Homework 30%; Midterm 20%; Final 50%

EE 260 (Sec 001): Applied Differential Geometry with MATHEMATICA
Start from Winter 2025
Recommended Textbooks
  • A First Course in Differential Geometry, Lyndon M. Woodward & John Bolton, Cambridge University Press
  • Elementary Differential Geometry, 2nd Ed., Andrew Pressley, Springer
  • Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with MATHEMATICA, 3rd Ed., Alfred Gray, Elsa Abbena, and Simon Salamon, Chapman & Hall/CRC

Differential geometry has far-reaching applications in modern physics, from general relativity to quantum information and topological materials. In engineering, it can be applied to solve problems related to signal processing, image analysis, nonlinear controls, and more. Current curricula for non-math majors typically adopt a minimalistic approach, jumping between concepts without fostering a systematic understanding of the fundamentals. Conversely, differential geometry offered by the math department tends to focus heavily on proofs and abstract concepts.

This course aims to balance mathematical rigor with physical intuition, bridging the gaps between theory and application. Students will use MATHEMATICA to achieve enhanced visualization of curves and surfaces, gaining unique hands-on experience that deepens their understanding.

Main contents
plane curves, space curves, curvature and torsion, Frenet-Serret formulas, involutes and evolutes, surfaces in R3, the first and second fundamental forms, ruled surfaces and developable surfaces, normal and principal curvatures, Gaussian and mean curvatures, isometric and conformal maps, Dupin indicatrix, Codazzi-Mainardi equations, geodesics, Theorema Egregium, Gauss-Bonnet theorem